David & Fion’s Engagement Session // Laguna Beach, CA

I was introduced to Fion years ago as one of my dear high school friend’s roommate! My first impression of her was that she was super bubbly, energetic and definitely friendly! Haha! Being around her makes you want to be happy! :) Well years went by and I only saw her around ever so often, so it was a joy to see her name pop up in my email! To be honest, I was slightly nervous because our mutual friend, Jane, had mentioned that she was super excited to ask if I could be her wedding photographer! Don’t get me wrong, it was a dream, but I was definitely nervous! Hehe! I felt really honored to have the opportunity to work with a bride who was so willing to find a wedding date that matched my availability, and one who really sought out to work with me! And her bubbly, energetic, self that I met years ago made that experience just so much more exciting!  Seriously, Fion, that really made my day/month/year! Haha! :)

Anyway, enough about me, let’s move on to David & Fion! In just THREE days they’ll be saying “I do”! WOO!!! :) These two met at Berean Community Church! Their first impressions of one another make me laugh because they’re so opposite from one another!

“My first impression of Fion was that she was very energetic and spunky… What attracted me to Fion was that she is really outgoing and an extrovert. She is also very chill and can take a joke.” // David

“The first time I met David was when he was coaching girls’ softball [for Berean]. I didn’t think much of him haha just that he was our softball coach and he seems kind of scary…” // Fion

Of course, Fion’s first impression changed! Haha! Over time, David must not have seemed as scary since when he asked her out, she said yes!

“I asked out Fion first. It took me a while but I finally texted her and asked her if she wanted to get boba. We met up and I told her how I felt about her and asked her if she wanted to go out on a date.”

“David asked me out at Tea Station in Rowland! I was living in LA at the time and he in Irvine so we met halfway. We just talked about random stuff for about an hour or so but I kind of knew he might ask me out so I was wondering why is he taking so long. It had already been about an hour and I had to leave early so I said I had to leave soon and then that’s when he asked! haha”

David took her on a really nice date, which we heard about on the shoot!

“He had a whole day planned out! We first went to brunch at MB Post, then he took me to OUE Skyspace and we rode on that slide! Then had a nice dinner in downtown long beach where they played live jazz at the restaurant! It was pretty magical.”

So fancy! This ended up being one of both of their most memorable memories–David’s favorite in fact! Among their other dating activities such as Disneyland, these two went on a nice date in Laguna Beach once, which is a big reason why they wanted to shoot on the shores–that plus Fion loves the beach! :)

Which moves us along to their engagement session! It was a gorgeous day! I remember that it previously had been super cloudy and chilly, but it warmed up a bit, and the sun came out just in time! We started their session off near the Montage! They shared with me that they were scared of being a bit awkward, but honestly, I couldn’t tell! Their laughter made it so easy to capture sweet moments between the two of them! :)


I asked Fion to describe David in three words, and I loved her response!

Thoughtful – David is the most thoughtful person ever! He might not seem like it on the outside but he pays attention to the little things about you and remembers everything you say. This is a small example, but I always forget to bring a hair tie with me and I usually like to tie my hair back while I eat. After a few times of this happening, one day as we go out to eat, David tells me he went and bought some hair ties and proceeded to show me the little stash he had in his car. He also kept some in his apt as well hahah that way every time we ate, I would always have a hair tie, even if I forgot. I thought it was so cute hahaha

Caring – see above! He cares a lot about his family and friends. He never says it cause he’s a man of few words, but he shows it through his actions.

Selfless – He doesn’t hesitate to give his time and resources freely to help others. Often times, he also gives up his own preferences to accommodate those around him.”

As we were talking throughout their session, there were lots of moments Fion shared that definitely earned David lots of brownie points, but this hair tie thing!! SO many brownie points!! I definitely lose them often too! Such a sweet, small gesture of care and consideration! Haha! 

Fion & David were super willing to adventure & climb onto the rocks–even if it meant Fion had to change out of her cute shoes and into rainbows! The tide was a bit high so we were slightly limited on adventure, but it was a lot of fun getting to take them out and do different things!

So by now, I’m sure you’re wondering how David finally proposed to Fion! I like how David put it, so I’ll share it in his words!

“I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do. But me and Fion did talk about renting a Duffy boat while we were kayaking in Newport Beach one day. So I thought that might be a good idea especially since I didn’t want anyone around to see or hear the proposal. I rented a Duffy boat at Balboa island. I brought snacks and drinks to have as we rode around the bay. But I got a little seasick so I didn’t end up eating anything. I thought to myself this might not have been the best idea. As long as the boat was moving I was fine though. I waited to find a nice calm place where no other boats were around. I stopped the boat and took out the ring box and got on one knee. I don’t think Fion was looking at me when I got the box out. When she turned around she didn’t know quite what was going on at first. It took her a moment to realize I was proposing to her. I’m not exactly sure what I said but to summarize I said I loved her and asked if she would marry me.”

Such a sweet & intimate moment! & I love all his commentary on how he was feeling! Haha! Proceeding this proposal, Fion said “And then he told me we were headed to church for the engagement party hahaha”! I think she must have been shocked about it all!

From the Montage, we moved over to Victoria Beach, only a couple miles away! Along the pathway down, I just fell in love with the lush green lined fences & walls that surrounded us! It was beautiful! :)

Once we got to the end of the path, we were greeted with beautiful, warm hues of pink and gold as the sun began to set!

Throughout their time together, Fion shared with me something she learned:

“I learned that the perfect person really does exist LOL jk! David’s pretty great though and we’re blessed it’s been pretty smooth sailing for the most part but inevitably, there will come a time when neither of us are very lovable and we’ll have to be reminded that we love because Christ loved us and commanded us to love another.”

Haha!! Her last statement is so true! Fion & David are so blessed to have experienced such a sweet time together, but it’s great to know that they are reminded and grounded in this truth! John & I definitely learned this early on (we’re definitely not perfect people HAHA). There’s a reason 1 John 4:19 says “We love because he first loved us.” It doesn’t say we love because it’s easy, or because the other person makes it easy to love them. And it definitely doesn’t say because we just can with self will. Sometimes that’s the case, but we can’t truly love based on that premise because we are indeed infallible people–it’s hard to make yourself love someone in tough moments.

Christians believe that our earnest, sacrificial love can only stem from and persevere on through the gracious, sacrificial love of Christ, which was given to us even when we were unlovable and covered by our sin. That’s what helps us carry on during that inevitable moment in which neither of us are lovable or easy to get along with. It makes me grateful that love isn’t conditional based on how lovable John is or I am because man, there are times when we suck. Hah!

Now David learned a different lesson than Fion that I also really liked. A phrase he clung to during their relationship was this:

““It doesn’t matter” (haha). I think there may have been things that would have bothered me or annoyed me when I was younger but I know now that it doesn’t really matter and there’s nothing to get upset or annoyed about.

I think over time you have to really learn what things matter and what things don’t. So I love that he shared how he grew to see what things weren’t things to get upset or annoyed over. It makes things easier to learn what things are worth “fighting for” and what things aren’t!

I was so happy that David & Fion were willing to run to and fro, and frolic around the shore for me! Especially since by this time it was a bit chilly–and because I learned that Fion hates running (like me)! Haha! 

Once the sun officially set, we were greeted with even more beautiful shades of pink and cooler purples that I loved, so we stuck around just for a couple more moments! :)

YAYYY Fion & David!!! John & I are SO so excited for your wedding this Saturday! (Insert confetti cannon emoji here) :D

A word of advice David has for those of your in relationships right now: “You don’t have to feel pressured to get married, but if you know you know.” Definitely. Don’t ever feel pressured to get married. Trust in God’s timing & wait for His timing, too! :)

Happy Wednesday, friends!

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