Casey & Kara’s Pasadena Engagement Session

I’m so excited to finally share about the session that started and ended with laughter! Casey & Kara must have been the very first clients I’ve ever had who came into the session without any nerves, but filled with jokes & laughter! Maybe they were nervous but it definitely didn’t feel like it! It felt like a fun hangout! :)

“Kara and I met while serving at a Vacation Bible School. I was just starting as the church’s pastoral intern and she was helping out for the week with games. However, we found out later that our dad’s have known each other for over 20 years and they had recently connected just before Kara and I met! I think someone must be writing this whole story of ours. Must be the Big Guy upstairs.

My first impression of Kara was that she is caring and fun-loving. She was definitely spontaneous and goofy with the kids and I admired that. She had a little injury on her leg when we first met, but she persisted on being there and making it fun for the kids. I was impressed with her dedication and love for Jesus and the kids.” // Casey

Kara said she was at VBS helping since her sister was the director that year! 

“Honestly my first impression of Casey was that he was married and at least 5 years older than me! I thought he was reserved and did not interact with me much, which made me believe he was “too mature” for my antics. I never would have guessed he was thinking to ask me out by the end! It was all thanks to a strategic facebook message at the end of the week to put things in motion!” // Kara

Haha! It’s so funny that she thought he was “too mature” for her antics! It’s so fun seeing them be goofy and silly together!

“At the end of that week of silence at VBS, Casey messaged me on facebook… pretending to thank me for serving but I knew something was fishy (haha!). We messaged back and forth for a week and he finally asked me to hang out. I assumed we would casually get coffee but instead he suggested dinner at a sushi place in Pasadena! That was a surprise and confirmed my suspicion that something else was going on… Nevertheless I agreed to get to know him more and went out for dinner. Honestly it caught my attention how up front about his feelings all throughout the dating process, so made me want to get to know more about this guy!” // Kara

Haha! We had a good laugh about Casey’s Facebook message during the session, but honestly it was such a bold move for him and I also find his straight forwardness very refreshing! Brownie points for him! He was persistent and it paid off! ;) Things went well, and as Casey puts it, “[they] were chatty and the conversation just kept on going for the night.”

Time passed and Casey popped the question, which you’ll read about soon! And now, in only four days Casey & Kara will be saying “I do” and getting married!! Yayy!! :) Which leads me now to share their sweet engagement session through Arlington Garden and Copa Vida in Pasadena! Hang tight because it’s a bit of a longer blog because it was just so darn cute!

No matter how goofy & silly they are together, Casey & Kara have a deep bond and love and respect for one another that I could almost instantly sense from just being around them. Hearing them talk about one another just further confirmed it, too! Of course this is what you’d expect from two people getting married, but it always fills me with so much joy when I get to witness it myself! :)

“As I had gotten to know her, Kara’s heart of compassion really caught me. She was still in nursing school at the time and she shared with me her desire and call to serve those who are needy and unable to serve themselves. This resonated with me and made my heart throb. Plus, her deep love for her family and those around her are shared values with mine and caught me from the start.”

For Kara, it was Casey’s character that really stood out to her!

“Perhaps it is just me but finding a guy my age that really upheld integrity and God’s convictions for his life was so difficult! Prior to meeting Casey my ideas and history with dating guys was tumultuous at best. Right before we met I had felt God’s strong promise that I am worth a man who carries himself with integrity and seeks the Lord’s desires more than his own. Casey has always given so much love, respect, and grace just as Christ gives. Aside from that he makes the dorkiest jokes and is an endearing nerd.

HAHA! I love that last statement! And all her words are such an encouragement to read. To all my single ladies, I hope you remember & know God’s love for you, and that you, too, are worthy of “a man who carries himself with integrity and seeks the Lord’s desires more than his own.” Yessss Kara. Preach it!! (If I could I’d put the double high five emoji right here)

Now I’m sure you’re wondering how Casey must have proposed to Kara by now and I’m excited to share it from their Point of Views! But first, I love Kara’s slight disclaimer! Haha!

First of all- God’s timing is very funny. We had been talking about marriage for a while but my understanding lead me to believe it wasn’t going to happen until around April or May 2017. Thinking as such, I truly did not expect anything to happen at the end of 2016… After Christmas we had attended a friend’s wedding –aka an entire night of couples egging each other as to who is getting married next. Since I thought marriage and engagement was far off I proceeded to joke heavily to our close friends that they SURELY would be next. Little did I know I would be next! Anyway, we went down to SD with his friends from college for NYE but there was torrential downpour the entire weekend…” // Kara

“It just so happened the storm cleared up new year’s day while we made our way home. I work nights as a nurse, and unfortunately was set to work that night. Let’s just say I wasn’t planning to see anyone because I was in grungy clothes, glasses on and no makeup. Strangely enough the two cars driving back that morning were all of Casey’s close guy friends who kept insisting we stop at the beach to “take pictures”. Being that I was looking a mess and it had stormed the night before, I was so confused and kept shooting down their ideas. In the end we stopped at a beach on the way up. It was odd to me that Casey changed into nicer shoes and was wearing slacks over his usual comfortable khakis. “Maybe he knew the boys would be taking pictures and wanted to look nice?”” // Kara

“The script was that we wanted to stop off to take some photos. Having only scouted out the site on google maps, this was definitely going to be interesting. We got onto the beach and walked around. I had waited for a right moment and for my friends to get into position with their cameras. Kara decided to walk close to the water to play with it, so I had convince her to come back toward the shore. I finally got down on one knee to ask the question and she initially was so shocked she turned away. I had to pivot and get up and get down again. This time, I took her hand, said my piece, and asked my question. She said, “yes!” Then the rest, as they say, is history.” // Casey

HAHA!! So from Kara’s point of view, this is how she reacted in her point of view:

“Me being the awkward human that I am thought he was making a joke since we had been joking with everyone the whole weekend. I proceeded to walk away while yelling “this isn’t funny! Stop joking around”. This unexpected response was followed by Casey chasing me down and pulling out the ring convincing me that this was indeed real.

I think I laughed during their entire session! They kept asking me if they were laughing “too much”, but really, when is too much laughter a bad thing during this happy season of life? ;) 

Working with these two was a piece of cake! I barely felt like I had to direct them into things that’d make them laugh or engage with one another! It came off so effortlessly and made the whole afternoon go by so smoothly! :)

One question I like asking my couples is what is something they learned while dating. I loved reading their responses. Casey’s simpler response of “How to love and be loved well.” was definitely expounded on by Kara’s more detailed response:

“I learned what it means to give grace and receive love. Being in a relationship with someone so intimately can be so beautiful and so difficult at the same time. This person comes to know your every way- both the good and the bad, and vice versa you get to know theirs. Its not always “fairy tale” perfect because we aren’t perfect people. Casey has taught me what it is to give grace to one another in those imperfections.

I remember that it was quite a hot day when we went on our photoshoot! I’m so grateful that they were down to cuddle & hug despite the (albeit invisible) sweat! ;) Haha!

Another of the question I like to ask my clients to do is describe their significant other in three words! Kara gave a concise reply saying that Casey is witty, productive and patient! Three awesome characteristics to have! :)

Casey described Kara with the words Compassionate, Determined & Spontaneous!

“Compassionate- she is a nurse and a really good one. She knows why she is in it and her care for those who are around her is evident. She does it all with a smile on her face and puts up with some of the weirdest and grossest things.

Determined- she has a very determined spirit and she will pursue the things she loves and those whom she loves. She doesn’t give up on people easily and she is good about being patient with others and walking life with them.

Spontaneous- she is fun-loving and often “stops to smell the roses” (like literally!). This offsets and complements my personality. I can be kinda uptight and rigid and serious about things. She reminds me to be flexible and to remember the fun is in the journey itself!

Remember how she thought he was “too mature” for her antics? Haha! Turns out it was actually pretty attractive to him! ;)

As we finished up our time at Arlington Garden, we headed over to Copa Vida where I got to witness their silliness not only with me and John but with other people they interacted with! Haha!

Hahaha! They made it rain! ;)

They chose to have part of their session at a coffee shop since they often studied together at one during their dating relationship! Kara while in her nursing program, and Casey through his seminary program!

(I definitely wasn’t complaining that we ended up at Copa Vida! I’m definitely a fan of their brew & their baristas are pretty awesome!) :)

Something Casey shared that he learned along the way  through their relationship was how to communicate through their different communication styles and how people receive love differently. John & I can definitely relate! Learning how to communicate well is something we’re constantly learning and working on! And learning how to better love one another in a way that they’ll also receive it is something we are constantly striving to improve on!

A phrase Casey clung to that I think helped him grow in communication: “My response is my responsibility.”

“This means that what I say and do is what I am responsible for. Words can build up and tear down. My actions can love or hurt and that is my responsibility.

Kara also agreed with the fact that learning how to give/receive love was something that challenged them!

“I think one thing we have struggled with and continue to work on is what a healthy, Christ-centered way to give and receive love. My dating experiences in the past were all unhealthy and influenced by ideas adopted by the world. This included how to speak to one another, sexual desires, expectations, wants and needs. There are still times when either one of us can get sidetracked into forgetting that perfect love comes from God. We struggle with comparing ourselves to other couples or expecting material things when that is not what will fulfill us. With social media it is so incredibly hard not to get wrapped up in the idol of a relationship or marriage, so we work and pray constantly to not get swept up in those things.

If you notice, they were reading a book they actually read together through their engagement! It’s actually a book Kara (& Casey) recommend to others to read, too, when I asked if she had any advice for the seriously dating or engaged!

“Seek Godly counsel and read this book: 9 Must-Have Conversations for a Doubt Free Wedding Day by Gary Thomas! Seek God’s will for you both about whether marriage is right for you both. Marriage won’t fix fundamental problems you’re having now. We both have close friends/mentors who have helped guide and pray with us through dating to seek God’s will and give wise advice. Also, we highly recommend that book as one to help start important conversations you may be too afraid to start yourself. (Shout out to my great friend/mentor, Hannah for giving it to me!)” // Kara

I love this advice! It’s important to talk about things before you get married and sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin or how to talk about it! I also think having mentors and friends is so so so necessary for accountability, prayer & support during relationships. I’m definitely grateful for those I had to help uplift & encourage me (& at times even rebuke me) during both the good and bad of my relationship with John!

Now, while this is where I’d usually end, for those of you who know these two and are looking for the funnies, here’s a couple BTS shots I thought were nice enough to share! ;) Haha!


CONGRATULATIONS KARA & CASEY!!! I’m so excited to photograph your wedding this Saturday! :)

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

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