Stephen & Jacqueline’s Portraits Session || San Juan Capistrano, CA

I spoke on the phone with Stephen and Jacqueline for the first time a couple months back to finalize details for their session.  My initial impression of them both was the immediate warmth and kindness they had not only for one another, but that they so genuinely extended to me. And my first impression was furthermore affirmed when I finally got to meet them in person at the San Juan Capistrano Mission!

Stephen actually contacted me first to photograph their proposal, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, their proposal was changed to be more intimate and exclusive, which turned out to be perfect just for them!

On a regular Sunday night , Stephen & Jacqueline celebrated Valentine’s day since they weren’t able to on the day of. As they cut the vegetables in preparation for their dinner, Stephen slipped away saying he had “forgotten an ingredient.” Since he took a while, Jacqueline decided to put on some makeup to dress up for their Valentines day celebration! Unknowingly, time passed, and Stephen then finally called her suggesting that they should take a walk before their dinner before it’s too late, which was something they would typically do together, so she didn’t suspect a thing. After some “erratically” rushed (Jacqueline’s words not mine!) driving through Irvine, and some weird parking (he parked in the wrong direction of the road! Haha!), they arrived at the special proposal scene! :)

“As we walk to the brick gate, I see why. There are tea light candles lighting a pathway to an oversized Cinderella-esque gazebo that is covered in idyllic plants and softly lit. For a second, I get a brain flash, “Is this it?” but I tell myself to calm down because if it’s not, I will feel weird. As he slowly walks me down the aisle, he tells me loving things. At the entrance of the gazebo are rose petals and a bouquet of red roses and he says, “Happy Valentine’s Day!!!” So then I calm down even more and know, Ok, I was right to not get excited that this may be the moment.

So we’re sitting in the gazebo and it’s quiet and late but there a security guard or person or child never walks by.

And then he turns to me and says, “Oh, but the night isn’t over.”

And then I knew.

Before I can fully form that thought, he’s kneeling on one knee asking me to be his wife. He pulls the ring out of his pocket in a handkerchief that his daughter embroidered for me so that I could have something to catch my tears. Yep, I ugly cried over everything.

It was the perfect proposal because we could then sit there in the stillness and just be. We could revel in the longest moment of exhilaration because there wasn’t calls made to family or friends to hug. Just two people, completely in love, and completely excited at the prospect of starting a new life together.

After some time, I got another email from the happy couple and we set up a session to help celebrate the day of their court house marriage before their wedding, which brings us here! Now without further adieu, I’m so happy to finally share their sweet session, and a bit more of their beautiful story of love! :)


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Stephen & Jacqueline were working at the same company when they first met. While they worked in different departments, they began collaborating on projects together, which led to Jacqueline being quite impressed by Stephen’s character (and his “steely blue eyes”)! :)

“He always was polite and chivalrous; one time he wanted to hold open a car door for me but resisted because he told me he was “Management” and didn’t want this polite gesture to be misconstrued. That gesture and statement alone already told me more than I ever would have guessed.

I was struck by how easily it was to talk and connect although we had different interests and were at different life stages. He impressed me with his values and his love for God. We had coworkers that would mercilessly tease him about how he was “too Christian;” it never bothered him and he still continued to be a good guy.

Also, he had the most steely blue eyes I have ever seen and he would look at me so directly that I found myself flustered. I have never met anyone who looked at me that way.”

– Jacqueline

Stephen was pretty impressed, too! I loved how he worded his first impression of Jacqueline: “During our first conversation, I was rendered speechless. I still feel the same.”



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“When I think about who asked who out, I am reminded of this quote by John Green: “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” (The Fault in Our Stars)

There really wasn’t a stereotypical “first date” that you see in the movies. But there were invitations to lunch at the park, eat ice cream at the old parlor, and meet in the romance section of our bookstore. I guess you could say it started when he sent a messenger to ask me to have a margarita at El Torito (a slight joke since we both don’t like the food actually) which was supposed to be a casual hang out. And then, like John Green said, it became slowly clear that there was so much more happening there.”

– Jacqueline



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“Stephen truly has a good heart and he’s really on fire for the Lord. He’s humble and full of grace, but yet direct and passionate. He’s intensely smart, charismatic, and more handsome than he knows. I know this because I can’t tell you how many times girls have told me how sexy he is but Stephen never knew about it. Stephen also has a very sexy walk, dresses smart, and always holds my hand. He remembers the big things and the little things, and I can truly say that I fell in love with him for all these thousands of little things that he never knew he even did.”

– Jacqueline



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“Aside from her beauty, Jacqueline has a wonderful spirit, a fantastic energy that lights up a room, yet she takes time to make others feel included and accepted. She can be sophisticated or she can be crazy, with equal ease. She makes me want to be around her all the time!

– Stephen



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When I asked the two of them to describe one another in three words, without knowing it, they both described one another as the “Love of my Life.” Gah! SO precious! It made me so happy to read their separate answers!

Jacqueline gave me three more words to describe her love, “Gentleman, passionate, thoughtful”, while Stephen expounded his answer with this:

“How can I describe this? She’s absolutely incredible. Stunning to look at, exciting to be with, full of life and love, and willing to share her heart with generosity. It’s like she reads my secret hopes and dreams. Wow!”



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Stephen’s favorite part of the session: “Kissing Jacqueline over and over.” ;)

We continued our session at a beautiful space Jacqueline found close by! The gorgeous open scenery gave off this lovely vibe or peace, and I was able to get a different glimpse of their relationship!

“If I could only use one word to sum up our relationship, it would be “purposeful.” We recently returned from our destination wedding in France and our celebrant reminded us of the importance of keeping God as the primary focus of our relationship; He will help keep us together.

Also, we are intentional in our words and actions because we both have an expressed goal to continually invest and work on our relationship. I vowed to him that I would cover him in prayer and ensure our marriage would never be common and ordinary. The reason for this is that once you know something is precious and forever, you think & treat it differently…

– Jacqueline



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What makes this sweet couple “work”?

“I think it’s a willingness to really consider the other person first, to choose how we are going to treat other instead of just reacting. We are naturally aligned in many ways, so we really do fit well to begin with, but by being fully committed to be on each other’s side, there’s a beautiful, safe, strong connection.”

Stephen described their relationship with the word, “blessed.”

…all that we’ve experienced couldn’t have turned out this well without Divine grace.”



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Jacqueline is wonderfully affectionate, loving, and great at being fully present. When she’s with me, I always feel like she really cares more about me than anything else in the world. It’s amazing.

– Stephen



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The props Jacqueline toted along were specifically picked with beautiful reason. :)

“Stephen has a talent for drawing doodles and has a beautiful gift for words. He’s always leaving me these well thought out doodles and notes in my office, my purse, and even my lunch bags. I especially love that he does this for everyday things and not just for the commercial holidays. That’s why I wanted to make sure that one of those doodles was in our engagement photo shoot.

Also, I hate to admit this as I know many girls feel this way too, but I always said that I don’t need flowers. I think because I was afraid to want them and then not get them. Stephen sends me surprise bouquets for the most random things and often delivers them in person so often that my current coworkers literally thought he must own a flower shop! He’s always done this although he never knew how I felt about them.”

So incredibly sweet! :)

Now the handkerchief show in the left image was actually a precious gift that was hand-stitched by Stephen’s daughter for Jacqueline, while the bottle of wine on the right was a souvenir they received while volunteering for a charity even for Disney!
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“[What I’ve learned from dating Stephen is] that what I truly thought were my faults are my greatest strength. I’ve been criticized for being too generous and for volunteering too much. But now I know that it’s a great gift to others.

I also come from a family that expresses things with anger and temper tantrums. I learned that not only is this unhealthy but Stephen has helped me express myself in a much more gentle way. Also, I’ve noticed that I don’t get angry anymore ever since I started dating him.”

– Jacqueline

During part of their session, Jacqueline had brought along a devotional book they’ve been reading together, “Jesus Calling.” They actually hadn’t read the devotional for the day, so I let them really take time to read it together, and afterwards Stephen prayed over them and this glorious day!



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A sweet quote Jacqueline shared that Stephen directly said to her one day as they were driving along in their car:

“You don’t have to believe me that I choose you. I will just show you each and every day”

Now I’ll end with this session with a sweet behind the scenes shot! Jacqueline & Stephen naturally made this session so romantic, but truly as we walked to our locations, and in between shots was so much laughter & silliness!



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CONGRATULATIONS STEPHEN & JACQUELINE! What a blessing it was to photograph the love between the two of you! :)

Lastly, as always, a couple words of advice from this beautiful couple! For the seriously dating & soon to be engaged:

Plan a marriage, have a wedding. Guys, if someone wants to know how much you love your wife, they should ask HER, not you.

– Stephen

Love that! Now a couple words from Jacqueline that I found insightful specifically for the ladies:

“Every couple is different and I am not sure if there is advice that would be considered meaningful to others. If I could, however, I would advise myself in my twenties to be with a man of character and integrity who follows through. Don’t wait around for a man to “figure it out” because that’s an excuse.

Be intentional with your time, your actions, and your words because they can easily build things and tear things down. I would tell myself to stop listening to what others think; character is more important than reputation.

Also, that I shouldn’t have to repress myself to be with someone. Stephen reminded me of the journey I had set on when I was baptized so he truly brought me back home.

Such good words of wisdom. :)

Happy Friday!

Hair & Makeup: Vivian Tran Hair-Makeup