College Is Always Better With Friends :)

College Is Always Better With Friends :)

This past year, I finally graduated with my bachelor’s degree! :) In what, you may ask? Definitely nothing to do with photography. Haha! But regardless, I have to say that despite the rigorous exams and papers and droning lectures, the friends and fellowship I was so incredibly blessed with kept me in step! Graduating unexpectedly two quarters early, I will constantly say this: it was all by God’s grace.

Whether or not you are a believer and follower of Christ, let me just explain why. I will admit, I was not the best student. My classes were chosen based on what was available and what fit a comfortable time for me. I almost completely forgot that my major had requirements in certain subjects. I got my general education done and just picked the open upper division courses to pass the time. Of course, graduating and finishing classes was on my mind, but as far as planning goes, I can assure you, that I had no plans whatsoever.

By my surprise, the last quarter of my Junior year, a friend finally set me straight and told me during my senior year, I had to really focus on getting the classes done that I needed for my major. I was pretty nervous as he looked at my finished courses and the requirements I needed. Hearing the words, “Wait… Margarette.. You finished all your upper division requirements already” hit me in complete shock. And the rest is history. I had to finish up my Spanish classes and the rest of my units and graduated early! Some may say it was luck, but I wholly believe that it was all in God’s plan for me, and for that I’m extremely thankful. :)

Anyhow, after my last final, my good friends, Christine, Grace and Melody told me they wanted to take me to brunch and take pictures afterwards. Little did I know, they threw me a surprise graduation party with a ton of my friends from our fellowship Asian American Christian Fellowship. I don’t know how you respond to surprises, but I screamed and ran out the door because I respond with terror. Haha :)

Like I said before, college was a great experience. I learned a lot, and met a ton of great people. But as I have heard countless of times, what you take out of college isn’t entirely all the information you learn, but the memories you make.

Here are a few of the photos my friends and I took after the party! Most of these were taken by John, but in the ones with him, my friend Melody took. & I took the opportunity to take a shot of my beautiful friends. :)


Some define us with the word, “awkward”. I think they’re right.

& To the bidding of my friends, we tried to take a normal picture, as posed by my assistant, Grace. :)

This is the lovely Grace.

The crazy Christine.

& my model roommate, Melody.

These are just a couple of my dearest friends. I love them all tons! :) They are all beautiful inside and out and I wouldn’t change them one bit! Who are your closest friends? Keep them close at heart. :)

Happy Thursday!